Tuesday, August 23, 2011


I was out on a double date with a friend of mine. The guys were really cool. We were having a good time. There was great conversation about life, sports, politics, etc! Then the big religion debate surfaced! One of the guys stated that he believed in God but not Jesus! There was a very awkward silence for like 5 seconds. I was really doing a *blank stare* at this dude! Lol! I guess because I believe in Jesus and in the power in the blood and I believe he died for our sins! But don't get me wrong. We all have a right to believe in what we want to believe in. But my question is.....Could you really seriously date someone who does not share your same beliefs?????
Would the relationship even work? Should we even go so far as to question someones faith before we give them the number??? Ladies and Gentleman .....what are your thoughts????

Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Is Marriage EVERY Girls Dream ??

This topic was inspired by the latest episode of "Single Ladies" . This show comes on Monday nights @ 10 p.m. EST on Vh-1! If you havent checked it out.....then do so. They showcase a lot of  "single" topics that make for a good debate :*)
Anyway.....On to the question....Is marriage the ultimate goal in every girls relationship??? My girlfriends and I had a debate about this and it seems marriage wins. The majority ruled that what is the purpose of dating if you not going to get married. Well, one of the charaters on the show stated that "all men are not marraige material" (which is true and that goes for women as well).
So whats wrong with dating and enjoying someone without having to try to reach the "ultimate goal" with everyone you date. Mostly its based on how you feel and what you ultimately want in life. And if you want the happily ever after~ then you should never settle. But if you are ok with being in  a great relationship with someone who treats you like a queen and is faithful and everything you want in a man.....would you  demand he put a ring on it before you bail.......
I guess it just boils down to what it is YOU want out of the relationship. Never settle and always go after what you want! But dont look sideyed at the other chick who is confident and happy in her relationship (married or not) because maybe thats just Her prerogative.......
So what are YOUR thoughts??? Is Marriage your Dream or would you be happy with a beautiful relationship minus the ring????

Tuesday, March 29, 2011


"Dealbreakers" !!! We all have them......No matter how optimistic you are about this guy or this girl you just met. And the killing part is they seem so perfect. Then all of a sudden you are hit with an issue about that person that you just cant deal with. Then you realize that its just NOT going to work out. I can admit I have been in this situation a few times.  Great guy....He had a great personality, a full time job, was so handsome, only had one child but his breath was HORRIBLE! Now its understandable that sometimes we have eaten some Doritos, LOL, or just ate pasta with garlic ....ya know....situations like that. Thats understandable that the breath may not be at its freshest. But this was a different kind of stank......like the "I havent ever been to the dentist to have my teeth cleaned in forever" kinda stank! And thats something that I cant deal with. There are a few more dealbreakers for me .....like if you dont take care of your kids.....you cant talk to me! Bad sex = NEXT!!!!! LOL! Believe me! I know there is no one that is perfect and you probably wont ever get that perfect cookie cutter mate......but there simply are some things that are on the list of " I Just Wont Tolerate" !
So what are your dealbreakers??? I want to know! And do you think that your list will eventually keep you from finding that special someone...........

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

ONLINE DATING!!!! The DO's, The DONT's and The DRAMA !!!!!!

We all live busy lives and may not have the time to meet someone in the "traditional" way! On the other hand, we may be bored or in a dating slump and decide to seek out ways to meet others. If online dating has ever crossed your mind then you are not alone. One out of five relationships begin on an online dating site. There are so many sites to choose from. Match.com, E Harmony, and even BlackPeopleMeet.com.  I am not ashamed to admit that I have tried a dating site before. More times than I would like to admit, LOL, and my experience has been........(sigh) just OK! Now, dont get me wrong, I have met some very interesting people online. Some of which I am still friends with, we just did not connect in a romantic way. Then we have the few I have had to "run forrest run" from and blocked them from getting back onto my page! I have yet to meet someone online, and we get that instant attraction and end up dating long term. People do lie, and they WILL hide behind their computer screens and be the perfect person for you UNTIL YOU MEET THEM!! LOL!!! So I want to know your thoughts on online dating. How were your experiences? Would you do it again? If you havent ever went on a date with someone you met on a dating website, then how about a blind date? I want to hear success stories as well as those that were a #FAIL!!!  I look forward to chatting with all of you!
I want to share a quick experience of my own......I met this guy via blackpeoplemeet. He was handsome. Beautiful smile.  Employed. Had his own place. Had a car. No kids. And single!! Right up my alley....I THOUGHT!!! Well after chatting online, we decided on a date. Before we were to meet I called and informed him my daughters open house took longer than expected and I would be running a few mins (15) late. Yes, I know. Not good to be late BUT BUT BUT , I informed him ahead of time and had already told him a few days prior I wasnt sure how long the open house would take.  Well I arrived, only 10 mins late. He STILL had a problem. And he had no problem letting me know that!!! Ok cool. We went out on a few more dates to eat and to a movie. EACH time he would be even more rude and so sarcastic about everything!!!! It was like he was 2 different people and I never knew which one I was going to get. He would be cool and laughing one min and rude and sarcastic the next!! I was blown away after he embarrased me in Ihop by raising his voice at me for no apparent reason!! He seemed irritated and I was #DONE!!!!!!! That was our last and final date! I blocked him and havent looked back. But that was just 1 of my crazy stories! Now I wanna hear yours!!!!...................

Friday, January 28, 2011

Welcome to My Blog...............

A little about me and my Blog...........I am a 34 year old single woman. I have a daughter who is 14. I live in Atlanta Georgia.  I work with children and teens who are in crisis. I love reading, writing, and helping others. My favortie sport is football. I love music. Music is a way I escape the everyday rat race. Topics concerning beauty, health and of course Women, always interest me. Overall I am a down to earth person who loves life and all it has to offer! I wanted to start a blog for and about single women. I love being single! But I do look forward to being with "the one" that I cant possibly live without. But until then..... I'm single in the city- holding my own and having fun being me! I encourage married women to read and comment because married women can give us single gals some much needed tips concerning life once he "puts a ring on it"! My guys are not excluded but lets be civil! This is not a bashing blog! This is where we can discuss topics that occur day to day. Things that are interesting to single people, like dating woos and  also to discuss relationships! Yes- Love discussing male/female relationships......... the up's , the down's and around's about being SexyandSingleInTheCity !!!