Friday, January 28, 2011

Welcome to My Blog...............

A little about me and my Blog...........I am a 34 year old single woman. I have a daughter who is 14. I live in Atlanta Georgia.  I work with children and teens who are in crisis. I love reading, writing, and helping others. My favortie sport is football. I love music. Music is a way I escape the everyday rat race. Topics concerning beauty, health and of course Women, always interest me. Overall I am a down to earth person who loves life and all it has to offer! I wanted to start a blog for and about single women. I love being single! But I do look forward to being with "the one" that I cant possibly live without. But until then..... I'm single in the city- holding my own and having fun being me! I encourage married women to read and comment because married women can give us single gals some much needed tips concerning life once he "puts a ring on it"! My guys are not excluded but lets be civil! This is not a bashing blog! This is where we can discuss topics that occur day to day. Things that are interesting to single people, like dating woos and  also to discuss relationships! Yes- Love discussing male/female relationships......... the up's , the down's and around's about being SexyandSingleInTheCity !!!


  1. Welcome to the BLOG World Chicky!
    I pray this is a super success and I believe it will. My advice is HAVE FUN with it!


  2. Congrats on the Blog. I wish you much success. I can't wait to see what the first topic will be.

  3. Awwwwww go head BFF!!!! You will succeed!!!!

  4. Congrats! I want to wish you all the best on your new blog. Sounds like a great way to start.

  5. What a way to start the new year with a new avenue helping others by connecting through shared experiences or interests. Can't wait for your first topic. Blog on!! :-)
